※ ※※※※※※※※※※※※ 教學文分隔線 ※※※※※※※※※※※※※※
步驟一 至淺草愛和服官網,選擇您的語言版本
STEP1 Please go to the official website and choose the language version you like.
步驟二 參考方案內容,尋找最適合您的方案
STEP2 There are several different plans on the page, please look for the best one that suit your needs.
步驟三 點選上方"ご予約 reservation",進入預約畫面
STEP3 Please click "ご予約 reservation" on the top of the page to enter the the reservation page.
步驟四 選擇您要預約的日期與分店
STEP4 Select the reservation date and the shop.
○ 表示可預約 X表示預約已滿
○ means it is still available X means it is fully booked
2017.09.15起 3號店為女性專用店,男性、情侶、有男性在內的團體,請選擇 1、2號店,謝謝
Please note that shop 3 has become shop for female only, for those who have male members and couples, please select shop 1 and 2 when booking.
步驟五 選擇預約時段
○ 表示有空位可預約
○ means it is still available
Please come to the shop on time because there is a limitation number of people in each time period, thank you for the cooperation.
但若出現 X,表示該時段預約已滿,無法再預約,請選擇其他時間或分店
If X sign shown on the screen, it means the time period has been fully booked so no more reservation would be taken during the time, please select a different time period or a different shop.
Otherwise, the number shown means the number of people, not the number of group.
If 1 has shown on the screen, that means that there is only 1 space left during the period.
For those who want to book couple plan of friends’ plan, please select a different time period for your reservation.
步驟六 確認時間後,開始輸入預約資料囉~首先選擇人數,並填寫基本資料(輸入中文名字即可)
STEP6 Make sure you have chosen the correct date and time, and you can start to key in all the reservation information.
First, select the number of the people, and fill up all the basic information requested (It is okay for you to key in your name in English or Chinese).
如果出現 "予約残数が不足しています",此代表您預約的人數超過可預約數,請選擇其他時段或店舖
If "予約残数が不足しています" has jumped out, that means the time period you chose is not available for your request, please select a different time period or a different shop.
步驟七 輸入聯絡用email
!!!特別注意!!! 兩欄email資料部分(紅框框的部分) 需要填寫一樣的email(填寫2次),這樣才會預約成功喔!!!!
STEP7 Fill up your e-mail address
SPECIAL NOTICE! The e-mail address in two columns need to be the same thing, or the reservation will not be successfully made.
You can type in the phone number in your own country or region (cellphone number is okay as well)
步驟八 勾選您想要的方案
STEP8 Click the plan you want
步驟九 輸入您的身高與SIZE,讓我們能準備適合您尺寸的和服
小提醒 : Size請填入平常穿衣尺寸
如果勾選LL size,請在預約表單最下方的"ご連絡事項" 幫我們備註一下臀圍尺寸喔!
STEP9 Type in your heights and clothing sizes so we would be able to prepare the correct kimono sizes for you.
Note: please type in the normal clothing size that you wear in your daily life.
There are a several pieces of big size kimonos in the shop, the biggest size for female is hipline below 110cm; male is hipline below 120cm.
If you click LL size, please note your hipline size in the "ご連絡事項" column on the bottom of the page!
步驟十 選擇您的國家,為何選擇淺草愛和服,及注意事項
STEP10 Select your country, and How did you know us, as well as restrictions 1 and 2.
步驟十一 其他問題詢問,請填寫以下的"ご連絡事項" , 然後按下"予約確認"
STEP11 If you have any unclear points, please write them in the column below ご連絡事項", and click the bottom "予約確認".
Please understand that due to the safety concern, we only accept customer who’s 5-8 months pregnant to experience kimono.
Because there is no zipper or button on kimono, it just use strings to tight the kimono.
To prevent the kimono form loose and the aesthetic, the teachers will tight the kimono. The process of experience might let you feel uncomfortable, please consider carefully before booking.
If there is pregnant lady in your companion want to experience, please note the months of pregnancy.
Asakusa Aiwafuku already notified the risks for pregnancy who experiences the kimono. Asakusa Aiwafuku is not responsible for any accidents during experience time.
步驟十二 到這裡尚未預約成功喔,請再次確認所有預約內容(入力の確認 )
預約內容確認無誤後,於此頁面最下方 按下"予約する"
STEP12 It has NOT finished yet! Please check all the information you have typed in again (入力の確認).
If all the information is correct, please slide to the bottom of the page and click the bottom "予約する".
步驟十三 出現以下 "予約登錄完了" 頁面就表示預約完成囉! ‧★,:*:‧\( ̄▽ ̄)/‧:*‧°★*
STEP13 If the "予約登錄完了" page comes out, that means your reservation has been successfully made!
We will contact you through the e-mail address you have typed in, you will receive an automatically reply conformation e-mail. It means that the system has successfully received your booking information. And the staff will send you another confirmation e-mail later.
Please note that the reservation has not completely done until you receive the e-mail from the staff.
NOTE: There is a specific number of people in each time period, so please come to the shop on time, thank you for the understanding.
PS: 因為各個時段都有固定的服務人數,請務必準時報到,以免影響其他時段的顧客